
How To Add Middle School Courses To Csu App

Application Guide for Commencement-Year

We have compiled this data to guide you through each section of the Cal State Apply awarding.  Within the application, you can also navigate to the blue question circle in the upper correct corner for more detailed instructions. Additional resources are also available directly through Cal State Utilise.

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Getting Started

Get together Materials

  • Transcript(due south) from all high schools and colleges (if applicable) that y'all've attended.
  • 12th grade fall and leap course schedules to include in-progress and planned course work. Practice not include planned summer courses. They will non be considered on your application.
  • Exercise non send official transcripts unless nosotros request them.

Browser Preferences

Apply Google Chrome or Firefox to complete your application. Internet Explorer or Safari are not recommended for Cal State Apply. You must disable your pop-upward blocker.

Creating Your Account

  • Sign in or create an business relationship. Please do non use a school-based e-mail address under Contact Information.
  • In Consummate Your Profile, choose "First Bachelor's Degree," and so "graduating loftier school senior or equivalent." Next, bespeak whether or not y'all have higher grade work to enter. From there, complete the remaining questions and click Save.
  • Click Starting time Your Application, then proceed to the "Add Programs" page. Add Cal Poly 1 of three ways:
    • Scroll downwards to find "Cal Poly Undergraduate."
    • Search for "Cal Poly" (exercise not search for "San Luis Obispo").
    • Click on Filter and choose Cal Poly San Luis Obispo under the Campus option.

Program Option

  • All Cal Poly applicants must select a major. Undeclared is not an choice for our campus.
  • You will be evaluated against other first-year applicants applying to the same major.
  • You may select an alternate major, but very few applicants are offered admissions based on their alternate major selection.

Review Your Program Selections

Review your answers, and so click on Proceed to my Application.

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Section 1

Personal Information

Complete all sections using your full legal name as it will appear on your exam scores, transcripts and government issued documents.

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Department 2

Academic History

High Schools Attended

  • Students whose California based high school is listed with, tin import their high school information and class piece of work data directly into the Cal State Apply Application. You lot must first create an account and register with Once you lot have an account, click the "Connect" push and follow the prompts.
  • Once your accounts are connected, click "Import" to bring over your data. Once imported, yous will receive a success message on the screen. Information technology will be your responsibility to double-bank check all of the course work and ensure that all grades are entered, all A-G designations are assigned, and accurate course categories are applied.
  • If yous exercise non use, you will need to enter all high schools attended manually.
  • Enter any online or distance education providers, if applicable.
  • If y'all were abode-schooled, navigate to the Home School tab to enter your curriculum provider.
  • Double-bank check your selection for the diploma Date Received/Expected question to brand sure you selected the correct year.
  • If your school operates on 2 dissimilar term types such as semester and trimester, enter the school twice under each term type. This will ensure that you get the proper credit for your course piece of work.

Example of how to enter multiple term types.

Seventh and/or Eighth Grade Grade Piece of work

  • Enter your 7th and/or 8th grade class piece of work for mathematics, language other than English language, or additional A-Grand course work if you lot were given high school credit for the course on your transcript. In lodge to receive consideration, the same course cannot be repeated in ninth class; you must go on on in the course progression. For instance, if you have Algebra i in 8th grade, you must take Geometry in ninth grade in club to use that Algebra course. You will need to enter this class piece of work and class in either the seventh or eighth class sectionHow to enter middle school courses
  • You lot can only enter one yr of credit per grade, even in your centre school split the class into two years (ex., Algebra 1A in 7th and Algebra 1B in eighth). In this instance, enter the course work in either the seventh or eighth grade section.
  • Don't enter your middle school every bit an boosted school attended. Instead, choose it as the first loftier school attended in 9th grade for that academic year.

Ninth through 11th Grade Course Work

  • Remember to list your courses and grades as they appear on your high school transcript and make sure you lot select the right course blazon. If you are non certain which A-G expanse your course falls nether, you tin can await it up on the UC Doorways A-G course list. If you have taken AP, IB, or Honors courses, select the appropriate option from the dropdown carte du jour of course blazon. For all other courses, select "None."

12th Course Course Piece of work

  • Enter all twelfth class form piece of work as either "In Progress" or "Planned" to get credit for those semesters. Dropping Leap course work yous report on your application could accept an impact on your admissions condition.

Failing Grades/Repeating Classes

  • Enter all failing grades for courses unless you take successfully repeated the same exact grade at the aforementioned institution and your transcript reflects this accordingly. In this scenario, you will only report the passing form. If you are currently retaking a failed grade with an in-progress or planned course, you must study the declining grade.

Summer Classes with Two Grades

  • Did you accept an A–Grand course over the Summer? Click on "Add together Summer Courses" and enter your coursework. If you received i grade, enter that course in Summer 1 and enter "No Course" in Summer two.

Schools with Trimester Systems

  • If your schoolhouse operates on a true trimester system where you receive iii grades per course, select trimester as your term type. If your school operates on a trimester system where you merely get two grades per class, you will select semester every bit your term type.

Elective Requirements

  • If you practise not accept two semesters of Electives, you may fulfill the 1 year requirement by entering one semester of United states of america Government and 1 semester of Economics (if 4 semesters of Social Science have already been completed). If you do not take US Government and Economics, you may study a course entitled "Constituent Credit" with ii grades of Pass. Please telephone call our office directly if you take questions or concerns about meeting the area G requirement.

College Grade Entry

  • If you lot are using college classes toward your A-G Class work, make sure you lot add the college to your application. You should enter the course into the College Coursework page. Practise not add a second form if yous only took one semester. The system will know to give you one year'due south worth of credit as long as you enter information technology properly and assign the appropriate A-1000 designation on the A-Thousand matching tile.
  • Non A-Thou college courses tin can be entered on the college coursework page. Do non enter the course on both the Loftier Schoolhouse Coursework and College Coursework pages, every bit this is considered double-reporting.

Exam Scores

  • The California State University (CSU) system has temporarily suspended the use of Act/Sabbatum tests in determining admissions for Fall 2022 applications. However, you are encouraged to written report any results on your application, as these scores will help place you in the proper mathematics and English courses if you are admitted.
  • Higher Board institution codes for Cal Poly SLO: (ACT: 0188) (SAT: 4038).

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Section 3

Supporting Information

This section covers work experience and extra-curricular activities, too as the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP).

Your work feel can be paid or not. Y'all may too enter internships or volunteer programs in this department. In that location is no area on the application to requite details regarding these activities. It is simply quantified into hours per week, with an indication of leadership roles and major relatedness. Cal Poly reserves the correct to request boosted documentation to verify your responses if needed.

The EOP (Educational Opportunity Programme) provides admission, academic and financial back up services to historically underserved students throughout California. Applicants to the program need to fill out all four sections by the EOP Awarding Borderline. Non-EOP applicants will demand to pass up the option on the first tile and click on Salve to proceed. Learn more than about EOP.

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Section iv

Program Materials

After selecting your program, followed by the Questions tab:

  • Read and click on the Licensure or Credential Acknowledgment.
  • Select "First-Year (Graduating Loftier School)" equally Applicant Level.
  • Save and continue.

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Yous must pay the campus application fee at the fourth dimension y'all submit, unless you qualify for an application fee waiver. The application will notify you automatically whether or non y'all authorize for a fee waiver at the time of submittal. The limit is four fee waivers for California State Universities. After you have used your iv fee waivers, yous must pay the campus awarding fee. If you lot practice not currently ain a credit carte du jour, the system will accept a pre-paid credit card.

How To Add Middle School Courses To Csu App,


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