
How To Add Labels To A Pie Chart Google Sheets

A pie chart is a type of chart that is shaped like a circle and uses slices to represent proportions of a whole.

The following step-past-footstep example shows how to create a pie chart in Google Sheets.

Step one: Enter the Data

Showtime, allow's enter some data that shows the total sales for 6 different products:

Step ii: Create the Pie Chart

Next, highlight the values in the range A1:B7. Then click the Insert tab so click Chart:

The following pie nautical chart will automatically exist inserted:

Step 3: Customize the Pie Chart

To customize the pie nautical chart, click anywhere on the chart. And so click the three vertical dots in the top correct corner of the chart. So click Edit chart:

In the Chart editor panel that appears on the right side of the screen, click the Customize tab to see a variety of options for customizing the chart.

Showtime, nosotros tin click Pie chart and change the Piece characterization to Pct.

Next, we can click Pie piece and change the individual colors of the slices in the chart if we'd like:

Adjacent, we tin can click Chart & axis titles and change the Nautical chart title to whatever nosotros'd like:

Next, we can click Legend and modify the Position to wherever we'd like:

The final pie nautical chart looks like this:

pie chart in Google Sheets

Boosted Resource

The following tutorials explain how to create other common charts in Google Sheets:

How to Make a Box Plot in Google Sheets
How to Create a Bubble Chart in Google Sheets
How to Create a Pareto Nautical chart in Google Sheets
How to Create a Candlestick Chart in Google Sheets

How To Add Labels To A Pie Chart Google Sheets,


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