
How To Add Email Account To Google Mail

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Enable the mail customer

To use Vivaldi Postal service, make sure y'all've enabled Mail service, Calendar and Feeds fromSettings > General > Productivity Features. On a brand new installation or in a new User Contour, cull the"Fully Loaded" option in the welcome flow.

Add an account

To add together your first mail account to Vivaldi Post:

  1. Go to Mail settings, either by:
    •  Opening the Mail Panel and clicking on Add Mail Business relationship,
    •  Clicking on the Mail button on the Status Bar, or
    •  Going to Settings > Mail > Mail Accounts > Add together Account .
  2. Enter your email accost, select whether yous want to add an IMAP (recommended) or POP account, and click Continue.
    Vivaldi will try to fetch the server settings automatically. If it can't, delight add them manually. To find the server settings, check your e-mail service provider'due south help documentation.
  3. Enter your mail account's login password.
    Some electronic mail service provider's require login from clients using either OAuth or an app-specific password. Before entering the password, choose the selection that'south about relevant for your account.
  4. In one case the account has been added you can add the sender name and email signature.
  5. You lot can also enable the following options:
    • Download messages to view them offline and amend search results,
    • Upload sent letters to Sent folder, so yous tin view your sent messages via other clients or the account'southward web interface.
    • Offline business relationship to (temporarily) stop checking for updates.

To add together more mail accounts:

  1. Get to Settings > Mail > Mail Accounts.
  2. Click onAdd button Add together account below the list of already added mail service accounts.
  3. Enter your email address, select whether you want to add an IMAP (recommended) or POP account, and click Keep.
  4. Enter your mail account's login password, app-specific password or log in using the service provider's OAuth window.

If you'd like to use Vivaldi Postal service, Calendar and Feeds separately from your main browser, we suggest setting your mail and agenda accounts upward in a new User Profile. Y'all can notice more detailed instructions here.

Google OAuth

When you add a Google account to Mail or Calendar, you'll be asked to log in through Google's OAuth dialog.
Previously, at that place was a single login, which, in improver to the mail and agenda clients, logged you in to your Google account on all Google'due south websites. Since Vivaldi 4.three, the logins are kept separate, improving privacy. This means that fifty-fifty if you lot've added, for example, your Gmail business relationship to Vivaldi Postal service, Google won't know what you sentinel on YouTube or search on Google (unless you log in to the website).
If, for some reason, you're logged out from your account(s) in Vivaldi Mail and Agenda, Google'southward OAuth dialog will announced again for each account and service (Gmail, Google Calendar) you've added to Vivaldi. In that instance, please login to your business relationship again. If yous ignore or dismiss the dialog, information technology volition keep reappearing every time the business relationship checks for updates. Alternatively, put the business relationship offline from Settings > Postal service > Post accounts > select the account > enable Offline Business relationship . Though, in that case yous won't receive new messages until yous log in again.

In case yous don't want to use OAuth to log in to your Google account, you could utilize an App password instead.

Alternative Selection – App countersign (needs 2-factor authentication)

For this to work you will need to prepare an App Countersign in your Google account settings. You have to have 2-factor authentication ready upwards as well. Once you accept the password you can just fill this in when the password prompt appears in the setup with the choice to use App-Specific Password.

Mail account setup window with a pop-up to choose the authentication method.

Add together a Microsoft account to Vivaldi Mail

To log in with a Microsoft hosted business relationship (Outlook, Hotmail, MSN, etc.) y'all have two options. You can use OAuth or an app-specific countersign.

Option i – OAuth

  1. In Vivaldi, go to Settings > Mail > Mail Accounts > Add business relationship.
  2. Enter your Microsoft email accost and click Go on.
  3. Select Use OAauth.
  4. Follow the instructions in Microsoft'southward OAuth window.

Option 2 – App-Specific Password

  1. Become to your Microsoft business relationship'south additional security settings page on https://business
  2. To create an app password, you need to have two-cistron authentication enabled for your business relationship. If you haven't already, enable 2-factor hallmark following Microsoft'south instructions.
  3. Click Create a new app password in the App password section. Y'all'll see a generated password on the screen.
  4. In Vivaldi, go to Settings > Mail service > Mail service Accounts > Add account.
  5. Enter your Microsoft email address and click Continue.
  6. Select Use App-Specific Password.
  7. Enter the password that Microsoft generated for your business relationship.

Add together a Yahoo business relationship to Vivaldi Post

To log in with your Yahoo account (or Yahoo hosted e-mail account) with your e-mail address and login password, Yahoo requires the customer or app to take Yahoo's branded login dialog. Vivaldi Postal service doesn't have that feature implemented just all the same, so adding a Yahoo account to Vivaldi Mail requires a small-scale workaround.

To add your Yahoo account to Vivaldi:

  1. Outset log in to your Yahoo account'southward security page on
  2. On the page, go to App Countersign > Generate app password > Get started.
  3. Fill up in the App name, for example, Vivaldi Mail service and click Generate Password.
  4. In Vivaldi, go to Settings > Mail > Mail Accounts > Add button Add account.
  5. Enter your Yahoo email address and click Continue.
  6. Select Use App-Specific Password.
  7. In the countersign field, instead of your regular login password, enter the app password that Yahoo generated for you lot.
  8. Click Sign In.


WithIMAP (Internet Mail Access Protocol), your emails and e-mail folders are kept on the server. Whatever changes yous make in the mail client will reflect on the server and vice versa. You tin can add your post account using IMAP to every bit many mail clients as y'all need and besides access your mail from the e-mail service provider's webmail interface.

WithPOP3 (Postal service Office Protocol version three) the postal service client downloads and stores your emails on the calculator equally soon as they make it to the mail server and then generally deletes them from the servers. Vivaldi doesn't delete the messages on the server automatically, but y'all tin can enable it in Settings > Mail > Mail Accounts > select account > Server settings.

Download total letters

When you enable Download Letters for Offline Viewing and Searching for a mail account, all content of your messages will exist indexed in the mail database fifty-fifty before you open up the message. Downloading messages, aka prefetching, improves search results and lets you hands access your messages offline.

Note: When emails are deleted from the server (another client or webmail) and the trunk of the e-mail is already fetched nosotros put those emails in trash and mark them as internal.
You tin can so replace them from there if the deletion was a error. If the body wasn't already fetched nosotros merely delete them since in that location's no reason to keep them.

Edit an business relationship

To update the name, signature, countersign or check the account'south server settings:
1. Go to Settings > Post > Mail Accounts.
2. Select the business relationship you want to edit.
3. Update the data.

Changes will be saved automatically.

Email signature

To add together a signature:

  1. Go to Settings > Mail > Mail Accounts.
  2. Select the account.
  3. In the signature field, enter your signature.

Past default, signatures are in plain text. In case you'd like to format the text and add images, below the Signature field, tick the box for Enable Rich Text and Images. That volition add together the common text formatting options to the text field.

To add an prototype to your signature, locate the epitome file and elevate information technology to the Signature field.

Signature section in Mail settings with an image being dragged to the text field.

Signature location

Your signature can be located in ane of two places:

  • At the bottom – if yous're replying to emails, the signature will be at the very end, after quoted text.
  • At the top – if you're replying to emails, the signature will be direct after your message, before quoted text.

Remove default signature

If you don't desire to include any signatures in the email and want to delete the default signature:

  1. Go to Settings > Mail > Mail Accounts.
  2. Select the business relationship.
  3. In the Signature field, blazon something and and then delete it.

Delete an account

  1. To remove your postal service account from Vivaldi Mail:
  2. Become to Settings > Post > Mail Accounts;
  3. Select the account from the list;
  4. Click on Delete mail account button.
  5. Decide whether you want to keep the messages on the computer or not.
  6. Click Delete.

How To Add Email Account To Google Mail,


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